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6 Myths About IT Staff Augmentation

In an ever-evolving IT landscape, companies often find it challenging to scale up their in-house teams or acquire specialized skills quickly. This is where IT Staff Augmentation comes in, a flexible outsourcing strategy that enables you to hire tech talent globally and manage your augmented team directly.

However, there are several myths about IT staff augmentation that might cause businesses to hesitate in adopting this strategy. In this blog, we will debunk six of these common myths.

Myth 1: It’s only for large enterprises

The misconception that IT staff augmentation is solely for large enterprises stems from the notion that only big corporations have the financial resources and complex projects that necessitate augmentation. However, staff augmentation is designed to be a flexible solution for businesses at every scale.

Startups and SMEs often have fluctuating workloads and may not have the financial capacity to maintain a large full-time staff. Staff augmentation allows these businesses to scale their teams up or down based on the project requirements, thereby optimizing costs and resources. This strategy also enables small and medium-sized enterprises to access specialized skills that may not be available in their region or are too expensive to hire full-time.

Myth 2: Communication will be a challenge

Expanded: The fear of communication barriers often arises from the thought of dealing with language differences, time zones, and cultural disparities when working with a globally dispersed team. However, most IT staff augmentation providers prioritize English proficiency and familiarity with global communication tools and practices during their hiring process.

Additionally, the current global trend towards remote work has led to the development of various tools and best practices for effective online communication and collaboration. Regular check-ins, status updates, and the use of project management tools can also help in ensuring smooth communication with augmented teams.

Myth 3: Quality of work will be compromised

Expanded: The concern about compromised quality often arises from the perception that augmented staff, being external to the organization, may not be as committed or competent as in-house teams. However, reputable IT staff augmentation providers have stringent recruitment and screening processes to ensure that they hire professionals with the required skills, experience, and work ethic.

Furthermore, the augmented staff often bring specialized skills and a fresh perspective to the project, which can enhance the overall quality and efficiency. Companies can also implement strict quality control measures and regular performance reviews to ensure that the augmented staff meets their standards.

Myth 4: It’s more expensive than hiring in-house staff

Expanded: While the upfront costs of staff augmentation may seem higher compared to hiring in-house staff, it is essential to consider the overall cost implications. Hiring full-time employees involves not only their salaries but also additional costs such as benefits, taxes, training, equipment, and office space. Additionally, there may be periods of downtime when the full-time staff is underutilized.

Staff augmentation allows companies to hire professionals on a temporary basis, thereby avoiding long-term commitments and additional overhead costs. This strategy also provides the flexibility to scale the team up or down based on the project requirements, which can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

Myth 5: It will lead to a loss of control over the project

Expanded: Some companies fear that augmenting their staff with external professionals will lead to a loss of control over their projects. This concern arises from the misconception that augmented staff will not be as accountable or aligned with the company’s goals and processes as the in-house team.

However, staff augmentation allows companies to manage the augmented team directly, just like their in-house team. The company sets the goals, deadlines, and monitors the progress of the project. The augmented staff works under the direction and supervision of the company’s project manager or team leader, ensuring that the company retains full control over the project.

Myth 6: It’s the same as traditional outsourcing

Expanded: Although both staff augmentation and traditional outsourcing involve leveraging external resources, there are key differences between the two strategies. Traditional outsourcing involves handing over an entire project or a specific function to a third-party provider. The provider takes full responsibility for the project, including management, quality control, and delivery. On the other hand, staff augmentation is about adding skilled professionals to the existing team to enhance its capabilities.

The augmented staff works under the direction and supervision of the company’s project manager or team leader, ensuring that the company retains full control over the project. Staff augmentation provides more control, flexibility, and the ability to manage the project closely, while traditional outsourcing may be more suitable for well-defined, non-core functions or projects that require specialized skills or resources that the company does not have.


IT Staff Augmentation is a strategic approach that can be incredibly beneficial for businesses looking to scale quickly, access specialized skills, and maintain control over their projects. However, misconceptions about communication challenges, quality of work, costs, and loss of project control have led some businesses to hesitate in adopting this strategy.

By debunking these myths, we hope to shed light on the true benefits and possibilities that IT staff augmentation can offer to businesses of all sizes. Ultimately, the key to success lies in selecting a reliable IT staff augmentation provider that aligns with your business needs and goals, and in establishing clear communication channels and quality control measures to ensure a successful collaboration.

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