Mar 27, 2023

How to Hire Ruby on Rails Developers (and 12 Key Interview Questions)

Staff Augmentation


Staff Augmentation, IT Talent Outsourcing

In the vibrant domain of software development, Ruby on Rails (RoR) continues to be a cherished framework due to its pragmatic approach, rapid development capability, and the ease it provides in building robust applications. For projects striving to enhance their technical capacity, hiring skilled Ruby on Rails developers is a strategic move. This article delves deeper into the various aspects of the hiring process, complemented with twelve crucial interview questions designed to gauge the expertise and suitability of RoR candidates.

The journey to hiring proficient Ruby on Rails developers begins with a thorough understanding of the technical and interpersonal skills required for the role. A clear job description outlining the experience, skills, and knowledge in Ruby language, RoR framework, databases, and web technologies is pivotal. Additionally, consider the project's long-term goals, the existing team dynamics, and the cultural ethos of your organization when shaping the role.

Resume Screening: Initial resume screening helps in filtering candidates with the requisite educational background and experience. Look for projects and accomplishments that demonstrate a candidate's capability to translate business requirements into technical solutions using RoR.

Technical Assessment: A technical assessment or a coding test can be employed to measure a candidate’s technical prowess before the face-to-face interview. This phase helps in evaluating the practical skills and the ability to solve real-world problems using RoR.

1. Explain the Convention over Configuration (CoC) principle in RoR. Why is it significant?

Evaluates understanding of foundational RoR principles.

Expected Response: Explanation of how CoC minimizes the decisions a developer has to make without losing flexibility.

2. Describe the RESTful architecture and its importance in RoR.

Assesses knowledge of web application design principles.

Expected Response: Discussion on RESTful conventions and how RoR adheres to these principles for better organization and functionality.

3. How would you handle database migrations in a RoR project?

Gauges experience with database management within the RoR framework.

Expected Response: Explanation of creating migration files, running migrations, and handling schema changes.

4. Explain the role of ActiveRecord in RoR.

Evaluates understanding of ORM and database interaction.

Expected Response: Description of how ActiveRecord facilitates CRUD operations and data manipulation.

5. What are some common performance optimizations in RoR?

Tests knowledge of performance enhancement techniques.

Expected Response: Mention of caching, database indexing, eager loading, and asset compression.

6. Describe your experience with testing in RoR. What tools do you prefer?

Assesses familiarity with testing practices and tools.

Expected Response: Discussion on tools like RSpec, MiniTest, and approaches to testing.

7. How do you manage dependencies in a RoR project?

Gauges capability in managing project dependencies.

Expected Response: Mention of Bundler or other dependency management tools.

8. Explain the Rails asset pipeline and its benefits.

Tests knowledge of asset management.

Expected Response: Discussion on concatenation, compression, and precompilation of assets.

9. Describe a challenging problem you solved in a past RoR project.

Evaluates problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Expected Response: Detailed narrative of the problem, the approach taken, and the solution implemented.

10. How do you ensure the security of a RoR application?

Assesses awareness of security best practices.

Expected Response: Mention of common security measures like XSS prevention, secure cookies, and SQL injection prevention.

11. How do you keep up with the latest RoR updates and community best practices?

Gauges commitment to continuous learning and staying updated.

Expected Response: Discussion on following reputable sources, community forums, and participating in meetups or conferences.

12. In your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses of RoR as compared to other frameworks?

Encourages reflection on the framework’s standing in the broader ecosystem.

Expected Response: Balanced discussion on RoR's advantages and disadvantages.


The quest for a proficient Ruby on Rails developer necessitates a well-thought-out interviewing strategy, encompassing an evaluation of technical acumen, problem-solving prowess, and alignment with your project's ethos. These twelve questions serve as a robust scaffold to structure your interviews, ensuring a meticulous evaluation of candidates to find the one that resonates with your project's vision and objectives.